Take it sleazy.
Take it sleazy.
That’s unreasonable.
Too much skooma, I’m afraid. Those goddamn daleks are a menace.
All I can say to that is zug zug.
It would actually have happened an infinite amount of times already, if either the universe is infinite, or there are infinite universes.
RNs will know what the ringtone would be.
Business majors just get more authority than they ought to. They should be treated more like secretaries and advisors in most cases, not bosses.
Because business majors only know how to exploit good things that would be better off without them.
If the good thing is left to just be better off without them – while they fuck around with a separate thing – then people will never be interested in the business majors’ product.
Rhowch, mwyn, and wnffre are Welsh. The rest is nonsense.
Everybody gets together on Runkedagen, it is where the English first observed the rumored circlejerk.
Den Nasjonale Runkedagen
Tidligere kjent som “Allrunk”, navnet ble endret et par år etter TV3 våget å arrangere en aldri så liten “Allrunk på Grensen”, noe svenskene var svært misfornøyd med.
Det gamle navnet og tradisjonene som hørte til er fortsatt gjeldende i deler av Vestlandet og i Trøndelag, men spesielt populært er det i Nordmøre.
Oh wow, I’d loathe to be a son of yours.
I can’t even tell wtf you are
That’s not how a modernist consumes.
It goes “core fandom”, prequel, pre-prequel (creation myth), then inevitably sequels if they didn’t arrive before or in between the prequels.
We’re going to get some random actor one day playing Aragorn’s son and it’ll be indistinguishable from a PG-13 version of Game of Thrones by a writing team where two of them skimmed the books and most of them have seen one or more of the movies at some point, and they kind of love the setting but don’t love the lack of grey morals. There will be a tribe of orcs that are totally good guys now. (they will be basically the exact same as the sharks from finding Nemo, because that will be the writing team’s inspiration and they will be very hyped about it)
I mean, creation myths are pointless anyways.
I’m too old for movies.
The ancient 80s
They said they have self awareness.
So no, of course not.
They’re not dead, they’re alive and actively doing work. People want to change that and move on to a better dystopia.