And America can either deal with it, or add another traid war to there list
And America can either deal with it, or add another traid war to there list
what do you mean turning into, it already was all of what you just said… also for the second paragraph, it would have also been true under Harris.
I understand your scared, however that should not be a reason to devorce yourself from the material reality of the situation
They requested voters not vote for democrats
Its not like all the athorities in Gaza called for a boycot of democrats… oh wait they did
You clearly vastly underestimate the Western diplomatic cores ability to lie in the face of obvious fact and get away with it
Why AI, no one wants AI…
Source for the no one wanting AI is me… I do not want AI
Ukraine is a US puppet
Do you by chance know how popular the next guy is?
Issue is, I do not think they are going for a Scottish Republic unfortunately.
To summarize, a man Patrik Thelwell threw an egg in the general direction of Charley, the court ordered a 500 m restraining order (I will agree perfectly reasonable) from Charles and his wife, and the other is he is banned from publicly possessing eggs. That was late 2022, early 2023 he was arrested on suspicion carrying eggs. They also alegedly have counter terrorism following them.
I understand that all in all this is quaint considering what the US would do if for example eggs where thrown in the direction of Joe Biden, Offically the sentence was a year of community service (along with the no eggs and restraining order) but it still seems beyond rediculous. and I would say what the US would do is incredably extreme. The restraining order and Community service would have been sufficent
I have… I have also bribed the cancer, and I have also started to write the chant. I am thinking of doing a remix of the catchy Lizzie’s in a box with a Charley’s in a box but leaving the rest the same. I also think once he is gone the guy who got banned from having eggs in public in the UK should be allowed to have eggs agian.
I see no reason why they would be obligated to do so, also not a vegan, but still.
I mean I would argue saying “party in charge of” is a bit much, while they are the Majority party in total, and the majority party in the coalition, there are 8 parties in the coalition, so its not like they are the only party, instead they are the largest party in the PRC