Fuck me, there is no worse way automating things
Fuck me, there is no worse way automating things
Done already, they are ahead of you guys Pic
And my houshold 😁
Ther is for sure a 2.5k line powershell script from someone totally trustworthy which fixes this issue though
True, but the point ist that it’s worthless without a person
All you get is a base to work with, i have never had a working solution out of there. They tend to create commands and parameters which aren’t existing just because it would be logical, it works like a naive brain.
It is a glorified Google search and won’t replace any tech workers for quite some time, or never. I would compare it with a calculator for techies, if you have no idea what you’re doing you won’t get anything out of it.
For a quick question yes, but if you try to search a solution for a problem it’s actual hell, 1000s of BS messages and countless other problems just thrown in one timeline.
You can either search through it for hours or ask the question which was answered 10 times before.
It’s as inefficient as it gets
Did they fucking recover deleted messages?
I can find every post after automatically editing and deleting them afterwards
So it’s about balance annoyance and privacy again.
First i was a bit confused, but i quickly found a site i use regular which needs you to accept the cookies or buy premium.
There’s where stuff like Cookie Autodelete comes into play, they can have their cookie, but it will be thrown away the second their site is closed.
So you can use mode 2 for less annoyance and still throw them in the garbage
iRobot and WALL-E soon to be facts
You just eat what you know you like, if it’s good or bad is up to the person itself
True, when i respond with the exact problem it usually gets fixed, interestingly even explained why it failed.
Great for learning
Gotta keep prices high yo
I’m not sure it’s tech bros falling for the nuclear lie, it’s rather the wannabe rich invest boys in my experience.
The same people falling for NFTs
What do you mean unused code, there are 3 complete unused games in there.
Download >100Gb = 5 maps, obviously
Your consile is a whole CoD machine now, only by accident, not that someone intended to do so
Sorry, but i couldn’t reupload the picture on my instance