HOW?! My prize was three-four weeks of once a week wisit to Infectious Diseases Ward and 7 shots total
HOW?! My prize was three-four weeks of once a week wisit to Infectious Diseases Ward and 7 shots total
sooo fuzzy
Only that descrition doesn’t include Java
If only I could show segfaul stack tracetrough looped macros.
It breaks VSCode (it would be hilarious if I wasn’t the author of said macros).
Actually these are standard, run of the mill, cheapest ones.
Wilkinson is like budget alternative to glide in safety razor category, You can usually get this packaging with this cheap plastic handle:
yea we’re few decades behind on environmental stuff here south.
Sorry missed that one,.
My contry is just on the beggining of environmental awakening so most stuff is plastic packaging.
why not return it to a slot on pakaging? isn’t it there for that purpose?
and back
maybe because I don’t know how some command receives piped output?
Also some commands don’t work with pipe, so kowing how pipe itsef is implemented is just a fraction of information.
Change the socks
voyager can be installed from chrome or firefox app(on android atleast) explaned by on:
Or got dumb luck and found real spicy spiky potato next to road