I met Danny at my local coffee shop. I am a total ass and said “Abed?”. He said " Danny. " and shook my hand. Thus confirming my status as Total Ass, and his as a mensch.
I met Danny at my local coffee shop. I am a total ass and said “Abed?”. He said " Danny. " and shook my hand. Thus confirming my status as Total Ass, and his as a mensch.
Once upon a time windows had absolute pathing. When you saved, it went in the directory you were in out where you told it.
Some time ago windows went to path relative to user. So now when you save to ‘desktop’ it could be one of several desktop folders. Windows tries to hide this by mapping ‘desktop’ to your user relative desktop, but it does this at the application level rather than in the base O/S. (Or, it does it on extended file system APIs). Some apps handle it, some apps don’t. If you have multiple users on a PC, it’s a mess.
Oh wait, my bad. He’s there in the back.
Oh God,.I was waiting for this…
Getting doored while out riding, then falling into the road and getting run over by a garbage truck.
I ride my bike a lot. Somebody getting out of the back seat of a 4 door with out looking is a huge danger.