Because inflation has absolutely no bearing on poor people’s silver linings.
Because inflation has absolutely no bearing on poor people’s silver linings.
which were originally caused by rightwing policies
Such as…
Two photos in one day? What are you? a hundronary?
99% of Lemmy, but unironically.
What other word? Minarchist?
And when they say stomach, they mean arteries.
They’re paid by the hour.
99 user stories on the wall…
99 user stories…
Take a few down, end up the scrum
126 user stories on the wall…
Routing information protocol, little pigeon, routing information protocol.
Come on people! They probably made it underground and then they dug it up.
Ah yes, the grown up child… How could anyone miss that reference.
Disdain for the poor didn’t come from nothing, that’s the evolution of racism.
That is a super fascist rehtoric. And in the case of Argentina highly supportive of corruption.
Control must come from justice, not from political expending.
I support the guy with the white flag. I surrender too.
No, you’re right, let’s better keep our ruler class’ pockets full. That won’t bite us in the ass.