Good talking head. No thought behind some of those points, so a perfect GQP hopeful.
Pronouns: Sir / Lord / God Emperor
Good talking head. No thought behind some of those points, so a perfect GQP hopeful.
If you’re going to war against a court of law, you might be the criminal.
It also covers those who are not biologically fit to be mates. Various conditions can appear as physical traits.
The California Community College I went to allowed you to filter classes in the schedule by whether they offered ZTC - Zero Textbook Cost or OER - Open Educational Resource.
The signers of the Declaration of Independence. Lots of young 'uns in there.
Adams, John MA 40
Adams, Samuel 53
Bartlett, Josiah 46
Braxton, Carter 39
Carroll, Charles 38
Chase, Samuel 35
Clark, Abraham 50
Clymer, George 37
Ellery, William 48
Floyd, William 41
Franklin, Benjamin 70
Gerry, Elbridge 32
Gwinnett, Button 41
Hall, Lyman 52
Hancock, John 40
Harrison, Benjamin 50
Hart, John 65
Hewes, Joseph 46
Heyward Jr., Thomas 30
Hooper, William 34
Hopkins, Stephen 69
Hopkinson, Francis 38
Huntington, Samuel 45
Jefferson, Thomas 33
Lee, Francis Lightfoot 41
Lee, Richard Henry 44
Lewis, Francis 63
Livingston, Philip 60
Lynch Jr., Thomas 26
McKean, Thomas 42
Middleton, Arthur 34
Morris, Lewis 50
Morris, Robert 42
Morton, John 52
Nelson Jr., Thomas 37
Paca, William 35
Paine, Robert Treat 45
Penn, John 36
Read, George 42
Rodney, Caesar. 47
Ross, George 46
Rush, Benjamin 30
Rutledge, Edward 26
Sherman, Roger 55
Smith, James 57
Stockton, Richard 45
Stone, Thomas MD 33
Taylor, George PA 60
Thornton, Matthew 62
Walton, George 35
Whipple, William 46
Williams, William 45
Wilson, James 33
Witherspoon, John 53
Wolcott, Oliver 49
Wythe, George VA 50
Unlike the precision guided munitions, the new F-15s would need to be built from scratch. A US official said there are no plans to expedite delivery of the jets to Israel so, if approved, they would not be delivered to Israel for at least five years.
Is that enough time to vote in some Dems who will stop it?
A link to the actual article:
Shocked! Shocked, I tell you. Well, anyway…
I am a CIS male and run the Flo app just to mess with their stats and tracking. You wouldn’t believe how often my period is off!
Definitely a blep to be remarked upon.
I don’t know why someone would call them bad. Especially if you’re trying to install them on non-mainstream hardware. There’s just more support for them.
My own journey to Linux started with FreeBSD. Want to talk about hard to find drivers? Now I have two laptops running Ubuntu and Mint, with Ubuntu running as a VM on Win10.
Geronimo is on the far right.
Do I need to bring enough popcorn for all?
Reminds me of that Iraqi official who, during Desert Storm, kept saying victory was imminent right up the moment the allied tanks came rolling up the street.