I wasn’t arguing with you. I was supporting you. Weird of you to assume the worst?
I wasn’t arguing with you. I was supporting you. Weird of you to assume the worst?
Billionaires can’t be benign. It’s impossible to make a billion dollars in a lifetime without taking more than you deserve. Someone overpaid for the product or someone was underpaid for the work (probably both). Billionaires prey on that loss, and it’s not as if they are Robin Hood giving back to the poor. If that’s not malignant, I don’t know what is.
I would gladly contribute to launching him off Earth
Can confirm, life has new meaning, so sigma
What if you’re already 46? Asking for a friend.
That’s 50 cubic meters!
A real wingmeme
Two years in the making, then comeback in 1 minute!
Pretty sure the sticker refers to merging lanes, but sure
For real for real no cat
Now the ISPs can charge us if we want a public IP, so really this is a win for big ISP… not sure why you guys aren’t appreciating that! /s
Neither will the trendy new language, distro, or standard
Neither will the YAML
Neither will containers
Did anyone say Magabyte yet?
This is the Way
May I have your permission to start saying “kinda of”?