Sadly I don’t know either but I am interested.
Sadly I don’t know either but I am interested.
that’s the fun part! the only relics of the old internet are things like the ice chewing forums, although federated social media brings a little of that back.
miss when browsing the internet felt like this tbh :/
man i never realised how similar those guys look. but yeah sarah michelle gellar as daphne is a girlboss in the same vein as barbie
will this finally force my boss to respect my human rights?
I think that’s more arguing over semantics tbh.
I mean, to me, that’s the positive spin on it. I think it can be both things at once.
ah, fair enough. thanks for explaining.
this is why you gotta check they’re always wearing gloves.
i’m ootl, why would you need to do that?
porn is like any other addictive substance. moderation is the magic word. if you’re having troubles, take a tolerance break.
my favourite is when it makes me anxious but also keeps me absolutely exhausted
i do understand your point on manmade issues, and these are the source of the majority of the big problems we face today. that being said, you can’t deny there’s a cruelty in the randomness of the universe. sometimes good people die horribly and bad people have long, healthy lives.
yeah, the universe/nature/whatever you want to call it is absolutely cruel but that’s due to its random nature. think about kids with leukemia, etc.
so, i don’t claim to understand much in the way of philosophy, but the uncaring nature of the universe is pretty scary to me. you’re right in that the universe itself doesn’t have volition but that’s exactly the point. the universe is uncaring because it’s incapable of it, and that’s what’s frightening. i also have a phobia of being caught in heavy machinery, which i would similarly describe as ‘uncaring’. it’ll rip your arms off or whatever because it doesn’t care nor know that a human is trapped inside.
true me_irl moment. i feel like my face is exactly his face right now.
largely i’m thankful for modern medicine but honestly old timey asthmatic treatments sound like they’d be much more fun
a flowering/sprouting potato creeps me out in a way i can’t describe, they look completely alien.
how was the performance on the ps3? i remember a couple of the very last games i bought for mine (black flag, saints row 4) absolutely chugged.