Just a nerd who migrated from kbin(dot)social.
Big guy like that must have BIG guts.
Nah, everything is binary. We just view it through false lenses because the switches got too tiny and people got too dumb.
Yes, but what about the Olympic and Britannic?
I’ve learned to ask “what’s on your mind?” instead. It’s less accusatory than assuming something is wrong.
Stress, the rapid and sudden shift to everyone being part of an always-online culture, and the ongoing social disruptions. In all honesty, I believe that most of the online social / wrongthink scandals that happened in 2020 & 2021 would still have happened, but they’d be delayed and hit smaller niches.
The lockdowns were accelerators, not always direct causes. But we did all go insane.
I remember the JonTron scandal from 2020, it was social rather than criminal. I like a lot of what he creates and has created, so I really don’t care if it reflects who he is as a person.
Sounds like a Controller talking to me.
Um, why do you have the Temu version of Rachel morphing out of an emu, when that’s supposed to be Jake into the gecko?
I use both Mint and Archbang. I’m half-dead to myself.
He also looks cooler than you.
I had a folding phone back in the day. I think they’re called feature phones now. I preferred it over my Nokia because it was harder to accidentally call someone or make weird noises.
yt-dlp and VLC still work. I’m good.
Unfortunately, given that I’m in the NYC DMA, individual franchisees probably couldn’t afford to cut their prices in half, as much as that sucks to admit. Minimum wage here is $15.49 per hour, which is ridiculous. Utilities, insurance (both for the business and the workers), sanitation, taxes, rent, ongoing franchising fees, and material costs do add up. Plus, they’re not seeing the volume that they had been, due to a combination of people like me who aren’t going there and the fact that they’re open less hours (because reliable overnight labor is too expensive).
For me, McDonald’s is way too expensive for what it is anymore. I’m a little ways away from the $8.29 Big Mac, but not by too much. At my local grocery store, I could put together a better burger for significantly cheaper. That’s even if I buy premade patties, buns, and sauces, rather than make them from base ingredients. Buying pre-prepped veggies could get expensive though. They’d need to drop the cost by about 50% for them to reach a point consider to be value, which they can’t afford to do.
If they’re too expensive, stop giving them money. Make food at home or go to a local small business, not a chain franchisee.
Add in the overhead:
I wish I could agree they were making that much money. But when you include all the costs that they have to run just the soda machine, with all the varieties of soda that they have, they’re not clearing that much profit per cup.
As far as I know, not even mbin allows crossposting between the microblog side and the thread side with any kind of attribution. But I agree, we should be able to post it to different parts of the ActivityPub world.
Let it Be? No, no. Let it Haiku.