You have been reported to the anti-defamation league for your antisemitism…
Checking the commodity prices from apple and orange concentrate from the last 10 years apple concentrate trades even to +20 usd compared to oranges…how ya like them apples
Oh that cracked me up!!!
I’m a huge pokemon fan I only saw the first season when it originally aired and only played red and blue…come at me
PB and bittorent will always be there for you… use a vpn though
Ooof tell me about it that something I’ve done and have had done to me. I used to think friends are something you have, then a mentor explained to me that friends are an investment and we need to invest our time and emotions into them alongside that terrible thing…being vulnerable…I hate good advice
Their use of majuscule and minuscule letters would make any English teacher proud.
To me it looks like that wife has a very emotional husband and she’s like make it stop please…
I feel ya and think there is definitely merit to your argument. At the same time when self preservation of wealth and power directly leads to death and destruction like we see all around us, I tend to lean towards my darker side…
Why you letting your lemmy account gather dust?
Um… I need it all day everyday… so says my body
Holocene is the current geological time it cover from now to a out 11,000 years ago from the last glacial period… The Paleoscene was about 66-56 million years ago.
Spend my entire weekend thinking of what I could do while never doing it…
Most of em look pretty happy… if you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life
Ha did that the other day to a lovely coworker I’m ridiculously interested in… she was like yeah I’m goin the same direction buddy…
Been on nights for 5 years and I’ve never smiled nor given a thumbs up…