Let’s see that ethernet cable do orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing…
Let’s see that ethernet cable do orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing…
Fun fact ever since I stopped drinking alcohol I have yet to get fired…
As a member of the people’s front of Judea, I agree.
You know what’s cool about high school Hobbits? I keep getting older but they stay the same age…
Ask her to take down my enemies cause God put those hands on earth for throwing…Jesus they are huge!
Me after rolling to the other side
Bigger cats all the way up
Is this an ancient Kush statue or am I missing something? I don’t believe upper ancient Egypt would be considered modern Sudan. Also DNA evidence from Egyptian mummies show little to no sub saharan DNA in them. How did you learn this information?
Forgot about that half the time something was folded wrong
You absolute potato, you’ve got the energy of an entitled youngest child.
Pretty bold comment for someone with no sources.
Now we see the violence inherent in the system…
You and that clown make up can get fucked…is what I would’ve thought about 20 min after this happening
Geez…we all have learning experiences but I feel node down and packet dropped should be a clear distinction in the mind of anyone in IT…but people will surprise you
I work with juniper switches 0 is my 1
Get fucked friend
They could be in 4th grade…