Let me Google that for you
Let me Google that for you
At a previous company, we would tag tickets in Zendesk based on the type of question it was so at the end of the year we could see which categories could use more explanation in our documentation. One of the category types was “LMGTFY”
The HLS integration we offered definitely had a premium attached to it as well as an additional cost to the CDN that required the integration to live on. So it’s not cheap.
It is weird that Google, with it’s infinite pockets, hasn’t pushed a stream stitched solution all these years until recently.
You can still do dynamic ad serving in a stream stitched integration. It’s just that the content and the ads are being served by the same CDN. you essentially are plugging the ad server into the content CDN.
I worked at a video ad server that offered a stream stitched solution going back to 2013. It comes down to development work/cost that the companies need to take on. Ultimately they would benefit from the cost required, but they wanted to be cheap and do a client side solution instead.
That’s exactly what it was! She had twins at the same grade level and she didn’t want them reading those books. This was in South Carolina, so this type of behavior was expected. The Karen’s ruled South Carolina…
My 5th grade teacher killed my desire to read at an early age when she banned the class from reading Goosebumps during “Pleasure reading time”.
My wife does this to our books and it drives me nuts.
One year her mom and I reordered them by author last name while she was away on a work trip. Took her 5 seconds upon returning home to notice it was different and she was furious.