Over the last 10 years or so, some kinds of convenience foods have gone up a lot. Like some types of
“value meal” is over $10. That’s a bad scene if you have several people to feed.
You can beat that by cooking your own, but if you have been working a 12 hour shift that is a harsh scenario.
It just seems like people, and I’m referring to the U.S., getting food should not be such a press.
It’s kind of hard right now, because food prices have gone up so much .
But you don’t have to poison yourself
Rice would be a choice, but I got type 2 diabetes a couple years ago after having pneumonia.
What’s really bad is bread, which is annoying because it is relatively cheap.
I also live alone, and my kids are grown up and gone.
I came to feel that “It’s not worth it to cook for just one person” was a pretty lame excuse to eat frozen food and other garbage.
I’m trying to cook more stuff I can freeze or at least store for a few days.
Still pretty lazy though.
I’m over 60 and not at all represented by these old motherfuckers. It’s partly their age and partly their wealth – they can’t represent people who actually work for a living.
There are various theories of how age and term limits could limit this.
Here’s my fantasy, which is just that.
Set up an AI unit that’s been programmed to a 90 IQ level. If these assholes can’t beat it in chess three times out of five – or checkers for that matter – enjoy the rest of your life on the porch.
Just a fantasy.
I knew one guy who had a plane roll up for him!