I made some apps for my own use.
One is a food score browser. It connects to an offline database supplied with the apk and shows search results in a scrollable list as well as details on select. You can search in english and german the same time.
I made some apps for my own use.
One is a food score browser. It connects to an offline database supplied with the apk and shows search results in a scrollable list as well as details on select. You can search in english and german the same time.
I know I won`t make friends with this but check out B4A.
Its a “BASIC like” syntax (no its not basic spaghetti code) in a RAD environment that outputs native java code apk.
Its free and a good support forum. You could even put your app on the store
Edit: you could also compile to java for pc and ios software
PEP8 is looking at you
It started with typing in BASIC code out of magazines. Used an Apple II those days. I missed the step going into pascal, C etc and stuck with basic syntax more or less my whole life. Not spagetti code anymore but still some BASIC derivates. B4X is what I use on Android now to create native APK.
Also I love IDEs with an integrated graphical interface designer. VB6 was my thing.
Over the years I used assembler, sql, bash also but always as tools to get my hardware to do what I need. The software I wrote was/is for my own convenience at work and in private. Written for PC and Android.
I tried to go commercial one time but the lawyer I talked to shattered my dreams because of insurance requirements when you write software used in peoples air transport business. If something goes wrong you really have a problem.
My Android software uses databases filled with scraped data so can’t make them official as well. The royalty fees to pay if I try the official route kills every attempt before starting.
So it’s still a hobby, very satisfying but not more.
Edit: scraped not scrapped , LoL
I know and wrote for both of them.
Jeez I am old.
…who wrote code without stack overflow
VM should work. For B4i (ios) you need also a mac for compile afaik.
The output runs on win, linux, server, mac, ios, android or arduino. Depending on what you used b4a, b4i, b4j or b4r. The syntax is the same eveywhere.
The crossplatform libary b4x pages makes sure that the same program look and feel can be compiled to various platforms without to much hassle.