Because that is a hack […] not a solution!
The world after Sauron won is very different from what anyone imagined…
Here you go, I think you lost these: “He”, “They”
Your laptop, what brand?
uuh, its a bit offensive…
Oh i see now lol. on mobile I only saw the video player, not the site link.
what site,
dude’s got all his ducks in a row
I guess the newly created git repository was empty, and all the files that was present in the folder represented “changes”
Now we nead a mean one like[…]
I suggest shell-linus
, sourcing insults from
“There aren’t enough swear-words in the English language, so now I’ll have to call you perkeleen vittupää just to express my disgust and frustration with this crap.”
That’ll be fun in a multi threaded setting!
well, most as in numerically, technically yes :D
amortized O(0)
oh god
yeah, no. haha
aint nobody got time for that
you could say the same for the mandelbrot, if you zoom in to most of it you get all black
wait, is the Czech flag technically a simple fractal?
Assembly is like phonetic script.