Yeah lets not look at the large scale capitalism that is definitely working for society
Yeah lets not look at the large scale capitalism that is definitely working for society
Don’t forget about deflecting the knife and Rudy Sean cutting his foot in the water. And also Andy Serkis actually jumping into a volcano for mocap
Apparently it was a prophecy that he "would not fall to the hand of (a) man or something like that. But merry stabbing him is really what broke his magic protection severing his soul from the wraith realm or something like that
He is beautiful
Yes I agree they’re still dangerous but you already see people can barely fight off a single dog and we let people have like 3 or 4 dogs that they have no hope of controlling
Even dogs can be dangerous. If the bear is raised I honestly don’t think it’s any more likely to be aggressive
Looks like he’s hitting you with the Forest Whittaker eye
I think there a lot of phone scammers that use font size to hide all the shit they’re doing. Like they make shit so small so that the old people can’t see anything
Canada is also still under the monarchy so it’s not like we could side with America against the world
Personally I’ve never seen the spikes or anything that horrific in Canada. But fuck do those stupid bench “armrests” ever piss me off
As an electrician I get about 6 hours before I’m completely wiped physically and mentally. And I can clearly feel it when I’m all groggy and slow
Doesn’t even have to be unavailable at times. They could can it in north America if they wanted to. Outsourcing jobs (read: exploiting foreign countries and their workers) should be heavily taxed if not banned in most industries
I think he think the face id just says “yeah, that’s right, unlock” and the phone unlocks. So if you put in a custom one that always says “yeah unlock” it will just always unlock. As if the person putting in the thing couldn’t see the data on your storage anyway
They also paused stock dividends for COVID 3 years ago and only resumed it now at 9¢ instead of 38¢
And their 2022 gross profit was nearly 21 billion dollars. That’s an extra 60 dollars an hour for every employee
They have the money.
That’s just the exorbitant profit that they put into stock buy backs. And if they spent half of that on buybacks and gave every employee a 10k bonus I’m sure opinions of them would be a lot more favourable.
They could easily cut back some of their “profit” to pay people better
Auto alphanumerical sequencing
They can also fit 3 across the front a lot of the time