They are AR, it is the Orion prototype.
They are AR, it is the Orion prototype.
What is so wrong with people being excited about a language they like? I have always found the Rust community extremely welcoming and caring.
Rust is named after the fungus, not oxidized metal
So far I have only really scratch built backprop. And had severe performance problems with Burn trying to do something it probably wasn’t built to do. Once I get further in makemore I should have a better idea.
Been working through Andrej Karpathy’s ML lectures in Rust. The backprop one went pretty well, but I had to learn how to do type indirection and interior mutabilty because of the backprop graph structure. I’m now on the makemore lecture, but having a lot of trouble building the bi-gram model in Burn (the rust native ML framework), because it seems like directly incrementing the tensor values is insanely slow. His example that takes like 10 seconds to run in Python takes two and a half minutes in Rust with Burn, so trying to figure out how to optimize or speed that up.
It is, lol. But it is literally this, passport js has existed for over 12 years.
Yea he definitely doesn’t, they are prototypes and cost $10k to make and are only available as a private demo.