I was so excited for another Tron movie.
I was so excited for another Tron movie.
You forgot to include that because of bad politics we now rely on corporations to help…
Some one has to make money to help the poor!
Also why do Americans like mixing sweet and salty. Here in Australia they have brioche buns everywhere now. I hate that crap, if you don’t have normal buns give me two slices of bread instead
Dont forget grey gifts and mutual interests!
Imagine being the model. Alright, you look amazing. Now drop your pants and pretend to take a shit. Yeah thats it, just a hundred more photos in different lighting. Perfect, thats the one we upload to the internet
Damn I wanna try an ostrich drumstick
Might need to borrow that later
This is how my autistic boss responds to a simple question
This needs to be higher
Well yeah… in lots of ways.
Good in others, as an Australian who traveled there the average American is great. I just think you’ve been intentionally fragmented and manipulated. So there are large groups of people who want their country to change but cannot seem to find common ground and band together to strengthen those ideas.
Then you have such powerfully rich and crazy groups that seem to be able to rule the narrative
Yay, also means through AUKUS that we are America’s little bitch. Lets hope Taiwan stays just friends with China.
Otherwise whoops, I guess all those military bases in Australia that the Americans use will become priority targets. Next minute I’m forced to hunt CCP tunnels in Taiwan wondering if I’m gonna be Vietconged