Having never heard of this nor read the article, I assume it was the 2020’s equivalent of the old AIM chatbots that were amusing to talk to for 11 seconds before realizing you had better shit to do.
Geek. Gamer. Data hoarder. Eldritch Horror hidden in a geeky t-shirt. Canadian. Polite, but says ‘cunt’ like an Australian. Avid pirate, worships unfathomable space gods that may drive you crazy.
If you see this username on other instances, it’s almost certainly me on an alt.
Mastodon - https://universeodon.com/@GeekFTW
Having never heard of this nor read the article, I assume it was the 2020’s equivalent of the old AIM chatbots that were amusing to talk to for 11 seconds before realizing you had better shit to do.
Don’t worry, some of us understood lol.
Was about to say, the Doctor wouldn’t be having none of either of these.
I do not drink, but if we can swap this for 10 bowls from now: Shredding a slab of slow cooker pork and playing 64man 2fort in TF2.
Edit: Alright well it’s been 7ish but the pulled pork is delicious and I’ve been burning up spy’s in sewers so I guess it all worked out.
and this still has way too many pixels lmao.
Soon as I find a sugarmama to buy my broke ass some new HDD’s I will 🤣
Oh trust me my 30TB of HDD’s and ADHD already got started on the data hoarding front many a year ago. Haven’t had a paid subscription to anything since Netflix in 2014 lmao.
Dear Youtube,
I’ve been using you daily since before you were bought by Google. I have watched undoubted millions of youtube videos over the last 17 years.
The mother fucking nanosecond you start blocking me from watching your content because I have an ad blocker is the moment I sit here and just rip every each and every single mother fucking video I want to watch to view entirely offline. Given you’ve tried and failed for a decade now to stop us from doing that I trust it’ll solve both our needs, you won’t have me blocking your ads, and I won’t need to ever see em. Savvy? Savvy!
With a level of spite indescribable,
Edit: For those whining about my entitlement: QQ more idc.
Edit 2: Ya’ll still commenting and downvoting a week later while I haven’t thought about any of you at all lmao. Rent free!
All else fails, grab yt-dlp. It’s a fork that I tend to find works better than normal youtube-dl anyway.
though it might not be affecting everyone.
Can confirm it is not affecting everyone. Posted numerous threads yesterday with zero issues. I have gotten this error numerous times when trying to block or upvote as you said, though not for the last 4-5 days or so for me.
I was the Internet/Gamer kid raised by television who got drunk at 17 and fell off a roof. Why was I drunk on a roof? Fuckin’ 2001.
Not sure which category I fall under.
Did you legit wait 3 minutes, take the meme you just posted, swap the bkgd and 1 word and really repost it? lol
The API will come soon! (seriously its being worked on if you don’t know lol)
Whether we’ll be using Sync when time comes is another thing lol.
Lol this ‘amateur cosplay’ is AI.
Edit: Also it’s not a meme, do better.
Hard at work on the K at your 10 o’clock soldier! o7
Pixelfed is more Instagram.
Them days of growing up, downloading mp3’s at 3.35 kb/s transfer speeds on dial up and going “Fuck yeah this is the high life, no getting better than this” lol.
Someone elsewhere shared this but:
Go into your ublock origin settings and go to your My Filters section. Add:
www.youtube.com##+js(nano-stb, resolve(1), *, 0.001)
on a new line and apply. Should stop the delay from occuring.