Look up “Stanford marshmallow experiment”.
Look up “Stanford marshmallow experiment”.
Me in the late 90s: CSS is not a language!
Today: Holy crap, it’s now Turing-complete.
Obligatory link to the Rustonomicon.
Should you wish a long and happy career of writing Rust programs, you should turn back now and forget you ever saw this book.
all work in floats
We even have float16 / float8
now for low-accuracy hi-throughput work.
Not uplifting. CEOs are literally there to be pushed out whenever things hit the fan - just so the company is seen to be doing something. Nothing will change. Profits will stay. The rich will keep getting richer. Move along, plebs.
But if we let this happen, what’s stopping an anime character winning the competition? Or a cat? Or robot? Where do we draw the line?!?
On second thoughts, a cat would be pretty awesome. They’ll at least dominate the catwalk part of the competition.
But then people will see how many bugs your code actually has, and how you actually can’t be bothered fixing any of them!
I hate how soy has been used by bigots as an insult. Soy products are bloody delicious!
Go wash your mouth with some SOAP.
Ah, a fellow janitorial staff. Some of these shit have been there so long they’ve seeped through the walls. There’s no way to get rid of them, short of demolishing the whole building.
I was kinda hoping you were gonna finish that first sentence with “in a java applet”. Cause that would’ve been awesome.
Oh that’s not uncommon in the industry. Especially when dealing with legacy code.
Personal best was 40k lines in a file called misc.c
containing all the global functions that don’t fit anywhere else.
Runner up was the one where each developer dumped their miscellaneous functions in their own files, so they don’t have to deal with merge conflicts. Which means we had x1.c, x2.c, x3.c … etc.
Bear in mind that “free speech” just means you can’t be arrested for what you say.
When someone’s talk is being boycotted or - in this case - refused entry to a region, their free speech rights aren’t being infringed.
That said, I (and the French, it seems) agree with your sentiment, this is totally an appalling move by Germany.