We absolutely should have more specialized LLMs. That being said we have dozens of tools that convert documents and data. Also any engineer worth a nickel should be able to whip something up in an hour or so for most cases.
We absolutely should have more specialized LLMs. That being said we have dozens of tools that convert documents and data. Also any engineer worth a nickel should be able to whip something up in an hour or so for most cases.
This! You have any idea how much people pay for boulders to landscape their yards? A small one about the size of a nightstand can cost 300+.
Can we just put them all in submarines and promise it will be different this time?
I mean I could but I have a nearly limitless supply of rabbits in my yard. Their fur makes great gifts. My plants love the compost I get from everything else. As a bonus the blood compost deters rabbits from eating my cabbage.
Funny thing, I can’t seem to find any type of vegan certification that is concerned with the use of animal byproducts or waste in fertilizer. A few specifically say they do not check fertilizer.
I know the UN is not NATO but an attack on an arm of the UN should be an attack on all.
It’s past time the world started treating Israel like they treat Russia.
Good ole Chode
FYI PBS gets very little from public funding.
Mentor of mine used to say
Developers, fix their heads, they lose their asses. Fix their asses they lose their heads.
Oooh do you think that would work on my 96kbps mp3s?