In the 2000s, some electronics stores where I lived had “jukeboxes” with headphones and a barcode scanner, so you could listen to 30-second snippets of the songs on an album before buying it.
In the 2000s, some electronics stores where I lived had “jukeboxes” with headphones and a barcode scanner, so you could listen to 30-second snippets of the songs on an album before buying it.
Not quite - even in PowerShell 7 there are some features that only work on Windows and Windows only comes with PowerShell 5.1 by default.
In the least bad case, they encrypt the password instead of hashing it, making it possible to decrypt the password.
In the most common case, they store the password in plaintext, so there isn’t even any encryption to be reversed.
Searching for “MOVfuscator” results in this: