“Right near the beach… BOYEE!”
Serious question: is x = my + b also a slope intercept? Why is it only calculated via the y axis?
I’m aware of the difference in motivation. My point is that people on both sides become radicalized by violence and therefore the cycle repeats with every generation.
Please remember that innocent Israeli kids were also murdered, albeit in smaller numbers.
My son is about the same age as the boy in the thumbnail, being held by his father. They look pretty similar too.
I can’t even imagine the pain and anger that I would feel to see my boy injured, what to speak of being killed, by militant forces. I would be absolutely beside myself with rage. It’s really no wonder this conflict has continued for generations. There are thousands of people on both sides who have become absolutely fixated on revenge.
What is “thread-sitting”?
It is laughable, especially coming from someone making homage to Neils Bohr. Did he not choose to lend assistance to the building of the bomb? Of course he advocated for peace after the fact…
I believe that all people should be held accountable for their actions, regardless of their beliefs. You probably believe that nuclear science justifies the nuclear proliferation. I don’t.
I define extremism as violence upon others. Both secularists and religionists are capable and culpable.
Therefore adherents of a religion are also not implicit in extremism, right? Pretty sure that’s the original point of the meme…
It seems that we’re mostly in agreement that it’s the broad category of humans who are culpable. Whether secular or sectarian, humans continuously harm others, intentionally or not.
What’s wrong with using the term Darwinism? I think it’s a good umbrella category to include the varieties of evolution theory such Lamarckism, neo-darwinian evolution, modern evolutionary synthesis and extended evolutionary synthesis. What term do the people who aren’t “nut jobs” use?
I’ve made some pretty decent claims about the universality of extremism. I’d love for you to point me to a community of humans who haven’t done something extreme.
Alright, brother. Thank you for this conversation. I appreciate your perspective. 🙏🏼
I think you’re moving the goalposts.
I’m actually claiming that Darwinism is extremist and that it is implicated by name in the murder of tens of millions of people.
I’m not talking about Fascism. There were several European countries that adopted Fascism with mixed results.
Only the Nazi party murdered eleven million Jews and several million other “weaker races”. They explicitly referred to Darwinism as their justification.
Perhaps you didn’t see my other comment so I’ll copy it here. Yes, the Nazis were explicitly motivated by Darwinism.
You appear to be a German (judging by your handle). It should be pretty easy for you to confirm the history.
Not just Hitler, the whole of the Nazi party and their public propaganda was based on extreme Darwinism.
An important official Nazi Party publication, Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte, edited by Alfred Rosenberg, occasionally featured articles promoting evolution. In a 1935 article Heinz Brücher praised German biologist Ernst Haeckel for paving the way for the Nazi regime. In addition to mentioning Haeckel’s advocacy of eugenics and euthanasia, Brücher highlighted Haeckel’s role in promoting human evolution. Brücher reminded his readers that Haeckel’s view of human evolution led him to reject human equality and socialism. In 1941 Brücher published another article in Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte on evolution through natural selection. Several times he stressed that the principles of evolution were just as valid for humans as for other organisms. He closed the essay by explaining the practical application of evolutionary theory:
The hereditary health of the German Volk and of the Nordic-Germanic race that unites it must under all circumstances remain intact. Through an appropriate compliance with the laws of nature, through selection and planned racial care it can even be increased. The racial superiority achieved thereby secures for our Volk in the harsh struggle for existence an advantage, which will make us unconquerable.
In Brücher’s view human evolution is an essential ingredient of racial ideology, not a hindrance to it. In 1936 Heberer launched an attack on antievolutionists in Nationalsozialistische Monatshefte. He praised Haeckel and stressed the affinities of Darwinism and human evolution with Nazi ideology.
The history is really quite fascinating and it’s rarely taught in your state-mandated evolutionary biology classes!
You said it’s the foundation of racism.
foundation noun foun·da·tion 1 : the act of founding here since the foundation of the school 2 : a basis (such as a tenet, principle, or axiom) upon which something stands or is supported the foundations of geometry the rumor is without foundation in fact
Technical arguments don’t change the fact that Darwinism is inherently racist.
The audacity of claiming that religious adherents are uniquely racist!
Racism is literally the foundation of Darwinism, as explicitly stated by Francis Crick, the co-discoverer of the DNA double helix.
It’s right there in the title of Darwin’s book: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
It’s human nature to fight each other, and the tendency towards extremism is universal.