It can’t be that people are organically wanting to talk about a recently released triple A game by an old and relatively beloved game studio. They must be paid actors.
It can’t be that people are organically wanting to talk about a recently released triple A game by an old and relatively beloved game studio. They must be paid actors.
I’m not sure that using the entire QA staff of the world’s largest agglomeration of Dev studios on a single game only qualifies as “not cutting corners”. That’s surely going above and beyond.
I don’t know why, but that’s disgusting
That’s a misrepresentation of old English. Man used to be neutral, and was modified by were and wif respectively for man and woman. Wife comes from woman, not the other way around.
The ol’ head in the sand approach
Attraction is a chemical process, long term relationships without respect are doomed to failure
Is paganism not just cosplay? There’s no continuity of tradition for pagan religions, they just picked it up because it was cool a few decades ago.
I can find interesting things in my life without resorting to delusion
But how can you respect someone who legitimately believes in magic?
Still not particularly impressed by someone engaging in magical thinking
While this reads like a Sony advert, I have to agree.
The Palestinians have the stated goal of murdering the Israeli people as well as ending the Israeli state
Which excuses attempted genocide?
It’s always funny seeing people post that image without the context that Palestine declared war on Israel alongside all its neighbours and attempted to push the Israeli population into the sea.
What’s the living wage in China?
Generations are generally ~20 years. It’s been 3-4 generations since the first nuclear power plant, and less since the first commercial one. It’ll certainly be at least one more before commercial fusion even being optimistic
You can search through the whole history of a channel
You can see here that it’s been in decline consistently for the past 20 years.
I mean post Soviets, haven’t all the Baltic nations seen significant depopulation?
It’s a long time ago, in a galaxy far away. Geneva conventions and the laws of war didn’t exist at the time.