I personally enjoyed Exapunks more but they’re both bangers for sure
I personally enjoyed Exapunks more but they’re both bangers for sure
Neat! I will be giving that a go! Having to relearn cad after switching to linux really slowed the use of my 3d printer :(
“It is not even wrong” - Wolfgang Pauli
Thanks for doing the work for me, appreciate you :P
The 10,000 support staff with dubious social engineering training at your service provider are not “something you have”. Case in point literally a few weeks ago https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/12/verizon-fell-for-fake-search-warrant-gave-victims-phone-data-to-stalker/
Wow would you look at that, still none of them cover what SMS is >:( Almost like it’s not a second factor, and fuck every corporation that tries to claim that it is
I’d be thrilled if the SSD I bought ended up being almost 8x larger than advertised! Does beg the question of why you’re buying 250GB SSDs in 2023 but I’m not here to judge.
Cookie clicker just looks like another Progress Quest ripoff
You only think it fits with how it’s read in English because that’s how you grew up saying it so it sounds natural to you. Your experience is not universal, and is in fact, a minority.
Typical Linux things, I never had this problem on windows…
It never got to the detecting a printer was plugged in part kek
Oh no, watch out everyone it’s a Wire(less)Shark™
Once it gets that long it’s something like if every atom in the universe was used as a bit of computing it would still take some absurd n in 10^n heat deaths. Wild how fast the entropy zooms off the edge of the map
Hmmmmm, that sure does sound like a bug