You can use the WSL2 to run Ansible on Windows. If that is already scary to you I wouldn’t recommend running insecure beta software with internet access.
You can use the WSL2 to run Ansible on Windows. If that is already scary to you I wouldn’t recommend running insecure beta software with internet access.
It’s not clear how they’re making enough money to stay afloat.
Yes it is. It is basically marketing for their embedded products which they sell as whitelabel apps for makers of cars, satnavs and other GIS applications.
imagine what they didn’t find!
Now check the other mini PCs from other random Aliexpress, Banggood, Gearbest and Temu vendors…
What exactly do you want to tell us with those ramblings? Are you getting anywhere with this?
Microsoft Entra ID
These fuckers rebranded the Azure ID and the Microsoft account and the Microsoft/Office 365 account into this.
It’s okay if you release a new product to call it something else but for the love of god stop renaming things for no reason.
Or the Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox One X/S, Xbox Series X/S.
Or Windows 98, Me, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11.
Someone at Microsoft just really wants people to know that naming is hard. I am pretty sure they’re intentionally confusing customers so they only know what the current product is.
Ironic. It’s as if Microsoft departments aren’t even aware of each other.
It doesn’t make a difference though. 14" vs 13" makes a bigger difference than the few grams of plastics that is the ‘wasted space’. Also, more space means more efficient cooling usually.
Actually, larger bezels are more ergonomic because they give the eyes a ‘frame’ so they can focus better, especially for 3D content.
I hate frameless displays with a passion for that reason.
Yeah why the fuck are the test tubes of different lengths???
I feel like most professionals in a discipline say ‘a real X would absolutely be so stupid as to…’ instead. They have seen every mistake the profession can offer.
Yes, developers would absolutely delete production databases even after you told them to triple check. Yes, artists absolutely would start a world war over racism. Yerp, archers would absolutely try to off themselves with a bow. And oh dear would car drivers absolutely drive into oncoming traffic and honk because everyone seems to drive on the wrong side.
People make mistakes and do stupid shit all the time. Maybe we should treat them like we treat AIs, just throw them away when they fucked up? 🙃
This is unnecessarily defeatist.
Why defeatist? I didn’t say it doesn’t matter. I think that many, if not most, corporations are evil and you shouldn’t trust a single word they say unless you are able to independently verify it.
how do you know there isn’t a Lemmy instance running right now that’s collecting data with the intent to sell?
I don’t, but I also don’t put a lot of sellable information on Lemmy, I rather link to my own sites, where some of them have a CC-BY-SA license. I know that everything I put on the internet is basically free game for evil capitalists.
Paying a monthly service fee to not have the company sell your data under the guise of “free” sounds quite reasonable.
How do you know they don’t make you pay and still sell your data to get even more profit? Because no company who said they’re not evil was ever evil?
Use Linux then.
Why can’t this be in the README, which is the first thing you see when opening the repository? Developers who hide stuff like that don’t make me want to install their software. They could literally paste that wiki startpage into the README and I wouldn’t have complained.
Or the developers could write a proper readme and at least tell me what the software is for. If you can’t even bother to do that, I’ll gladly miss out on your software. Who knows what other surprises you just ignored.
Why yes, let me run some untrusted software as admin from Github patching a central part of my OS while I don’t even know what it does!
That’s not really an issue with DP itself, but with the operating system handling unplugging, if you allow me to be pedantic.
which one do I download for Arch?