I like how they say their own research is Russian propaganda now.
I like how they say their own research is Russian propaganda now.
Couldn’t come soon enough.
Yes we know Zelensky is an unelected dictator. You don’t need to project.
The sanctions applied by the west have been the best thing that could have happened to the Russian economy in decades. Their import substitution policy accelerated and even after the war they will now have competitive industries that wouldn’t have been considered economically viable had Russia continued to buy cheaper goods from the west. I sometimes think the continuation of the war is collusion by the US and Russia to keep both of their economies doing great at the expense of Europe, who are too busy with their hubris to realise they’re getting screwed here.
Right. The UK it will be a challenge for sure. Any western democracy that’s stuck due to the nature of its governance system indeed. BRICS countries OTOH are some of the fastest installers of solar. Maybe we’re looking at a mean regression for the west.
You may not be aware, but most governments now require storage to be added as part of solar projects.
I can set up 20 GW of solar panels to match the capacity of a 4 GW nuclear power plant. And I can set up 20 GW of PV in a year. China installs about 30 GW of solar capacity in a quarter.
It takes about 8-10 years to build a nuclear power plant. In 8 years, I could have installed the equivalent of 8 nuclear power plants using Solar PV that it would take me to build one nuclear power plant.
Zionists really captured that platform.
This will take another 7 or 8 years to come to fruition.
The only Israeli ally in that list is Jordan. The other arab states you’re saying are allies are definitely allied with the USA, but their leaders are trying to balance economic stability with geopolitical realities. Ex. the UAE joined BRICS because it’s trying to build its sovereignty.
I think people fail to realise that USA == Israel. Even Biden said when he was younger that if Israel wasn’t there the USA would have to have some other entity there to keep the middle east fractured. The Anglo-Saxons don’t want a powerful Arab world it’s a 500-year old rivalry.
I don’t understand if these are the charges, why they haven’t arrested Zuckerberg for the same. The reason is that Pavel won’t install backdoors into his app.
It’s because the USA floods countries with cheap goods all the time and then cries foul when someone else does it. It’s pure hypocrisy.
Medvedev is a nut. I think he’s just spewing vitriol to appease the hawks in Russia. The same way Lindsey Graham does in the states.
NATO is the evil empire
At some point decades from now maybe? I still think nuclear and fusion research are important for human civilization, I just think it’s stupid to waste money on building power plants using nuclear technology in its current state.
Ammonia believe it or not.
To whom/what did they give that money to? Bill Gates gives billions to a foundation he owns that then expeirments with drugs on Africans, triws to block out the sun with metal particles in the atmosphere, and gets countries hooked on Microsoft with free licenses instead of using open source.