It works and is a pile of jank - Python
It doesn’t work and is a pile of jank - C++
You violated gods laws with how bad your code is and it still runs (right through the wall) - C
Why, a hexvex of course!
It works and is a pile of jank - Python
It doesn’t work and is a pile of jank - C++
You violated gods laws with how bad your code is and it still runs (right through the wall) - C
I mean, it is. Everyone else just doesn’t get to see it!
deleted by creator
Protect the children: “Hey kids, have you heard about raid shadow legends? Why not go borrow mum’s credit card because it’s free.”
Fun insider fact - the gambling industry learned things from that game.
School toilets are about to become even more traumatic when gen alpha starts teaching.
At least I just have random nyan cat bullet points in my slides, with a lot of random loss thrown in.
You just captured the daily life of a UK academic after the catastrophically low recruitment numbers this year.
I absolutely don’t use notepad++ as my main IDE… Honest.
Wait, that’s illegal, I’m calling the cyber police!
Downgraded from a 1 to a 2 due to vacation. Might turn into a 7 if woken up too early during this period.
Exactly - if you don’t want to date a trans person don’t. If someone conceals it, that’s not an issue with them being trans, that’s an issue with them being dishonest. It’s ok to dislike dishonest people.
I only wanted to triforce.
Now I need to fix dad’s laptop before he gets home!
The use of the word cis has its roots in an obscure Usenet group; it’s genesis (apparently) rooted in a desire for more inclusive language for trans folks (the notion that “gender” Vs “transgender” was too othering).
It hit Tumblr like a train in the 2010s, and became a symbolic phrase in trans counterculture. “Cisgender” was less than popular with non-trans people, as it robbed them of the illusion of normality and turned the word “gender” into a social trap.
It later found derogatory use in the phrase “cissy” (a counter for the popular derogatory term “tranny”).
It’s a fun word with an interesting history, and it has helped contribute to the wider acceptance of trans folks.
Relevant follow-up (videos explore Korean gender politics and hierarchical society).
When you have more tabs than a pharmacy, it’s time to worry!
Hah, jokes on them, my university is too poor to afford copilot.
I mean, here is a thought, if an AI tool uses creative commons data, then it’s derivatives fall under creative commons. I.e. stop charging for AI tools and people will stop complaining.
Operation archive the archive?
Necromancy necromancy necromancy.