God isn’t dead he never existed. Anything put on him is your wishful thinking.
First day on the internet?
Nice analysis. Yeah, that seems about right.
Yes, faux christian outrage should be left on reddit.
Maybe we should reduce the amount of shit we have to throw away.
But also maybe pay the garbage men fairly, and tell the business or municipality that the garbage collection is insufficient for their needs.
This idea that peasants had it better because there were more “holidays” (which were feast days for specfic groups and religious holidays, mass was not optional) is asinine. There are good reasons they had a shorter expected lifespan.
You don’t know how bad peasants actually had it.
And expecting others to be quiet for you isn’t?
Done talking to you.
You’re convincing yourself that you’re important enough to dictate others actions.
Go up to everyone whose phone you hear and tell them to put it on silent.
Expecting people to be silent in public is asinine.
My phone making notification sounds isn’t assault, not even close. Taking my phone is theft.
Pick a lane.
What if, what if, what if. The world is noisy.
How am I a child? Dude makes up a rule and I’m supposed to follow it? Really?
It’s not a law, and telling someone to call the cops os pointing out the absurdity of the demand.
Ah, so you’ll commit assault because my phone isn’t on silent. Buds you need a reality check.
You’re the one pushing it.
Oh, you think this is some sort of threat? Please threaten me…
Wilco, you won’t be the first, and you won’t be the last. Even of it’s some sort of kink.
To what?