Rather than study for my qualifying exams while I was a PhD student, I learned to blj.
I actually did really well, but then crashed and burned horribly at everything else.
Here’s where I’d put my pronouns IF I HAD ANY
Software engineer, massive computer science nerd, sucks at video games, lived all across the US. Former conservative turned total leftist.
Trying out the name Hope.
Rather than study for my qualifying exams while I was a PhD student, I learned to blj.
I actually did really well, but then crashed and burned horribly at everything else.
This is a real incident ticket I saw:
Subject: “broken” Description: “website down”
Given that the website was in fact not down, and they included no details, and they must have been filing it on behalf of someone else as their user-id didn’t have an account at all (it is an internal corporate product), this was a real head scratcher.
The thing is, you could more or less order that for $5 as late as a year or so ago with some customizations to their other boxes. (Granted, I place no value on the cinnamon twists)
I thought the nose in panel 5 was the mouth and I was horrified.
Yeah but this way you can screenshot the post and send it in a group chat to complain about a four panel comic that is just the exact joke from the show.
For my anniversary dinner last night I wore a cute green sweater and sweatpants and my wife was like, wtf are you doing it’s 104F out.
Anyways, dress for the weather you want not the weather you have.
I’m more upset than I should be that they just copied -Dylan instead of matching the typeface and putting "Dylan"
3 years ago I would have killed for 24Mbps
It looks like the average is 11 PTO days a year according to Forbes, with nearly a third of employees getting zero.
Monty Python, being a comedy troupe, consists of humans, which are a type of animal ;)
In published media it’s getting really frustrating to find articles that seem like honest reviews. The NYT did an article on toaster recommendations and they praised one for having something like a 3 year warranty because “toasters aren’t known for their longevity.”
I have a coworker who swears by it, particularly for C development.
I assumed the meme referred to all the interviews being done at CPAC right now.
We, a Christian nation, should instead teach Church Numerals like GOD INTENDED! (/s)
Albany identity is not Albany expression
True, but that’s still on the order of time that you may never reach the price difference in the lifespan of the GPU.
If my math is right, the 50W difference, at my power rate of $0.15/kWh, will take 2666 hours and 40 minutes to make up the $20 difference in price.
I have one of those. I spent most of my life confused why when I scratched my left ear, it made a waxy feeling in my throat and made a horrible smell, but nothing like that happened with my right ear. After I got married, my wife asked if she could “pop the pimple on my ear”, and she squeezed around that sinus and it oozed this horrible white goo.
SSNs are not reissued after death and never have been. I’ve been seeing a lot of people comment this, but I’m not sure where they’re getting it from. (They’re not unique for other reasons, however.)