Hey thanks for pushing me to finally pick it up, just beat it, I cried, on the off chance anyone else is reading this, please play Slay the Pirncess.
Hey thanks for pushing me to finally pick it up, just beat it, I cried, on the off chance anyone else is reading this, please play Slay the Pirncess.
Thanks, maybe I will pick it up after all!
So I don’t know much about slay the princess, but it does look like a lot of other games I like. I haven’t bought it yet because I kinda like when a game has like a traditionally ‘happy’ end. Like in Needy Streamer, no matter what choices you make the endings range from bad to kinda disappointing. Is Slay the Princess like that?
I always refer to Tron Legacy as ‘Daft Punk ft Tron’ because the music made that movie in my opinion.
I get what you’re saying, and jumping in and getting started is exactly what OP needs to do. However, if they read your comment and take your advise, they might be inclined to take ALL your advice and starting them with a difficult language when they know nothing is probably a bad idea. It’s like you have embedded bad advise inside your good advise, and someone who knows nothing won’t be able to see that. If OP’s still reading these comments, just replace rust with C# or HTML/CSS depending on what you’re into and then reread KindaABigDyl’s first comment.
Bro I got you. Had to add some more to get it to 5x5. Obviously I made Linux the free space.
My daily drivers have been manual for years. Had to drive a uhaul recently and instinctively reached for the shifter everytime it hit 3k.
Honestly, it’s just the 14s that have the battery accessible through the back, and the back glass is still glued on, so it’s not even easier than previous generations. But removing the screen/back glass isn’t even the annoying part, it’s the awful adhesive strips that Apple uses that tear the instant you try to remove them. Always ends up with a bit of heat, alcohol and prying. Not really difficult to do if you have the tools on hand, but not even close to the ease of yesteryear when you could just pop the battery out.
Now I’m just imagining a game where you get a random quote from either a Touhou character or Vinny and you have to decide who said what.