Classic result of a business man in charge of a software company.
LPT: work for a company where the decision maker comes from an engineering background, not a business background.
You’re welcome.
Classic result of a business man in charge of a software company.
LPT: work for a company where the decision maker comes from an engineering background, not a business background.
You’re welcome.
I recently sat in a call with someone ~50 y/o helping someone ~25 y/o…
“Open vim and change xyz” met with “What’s vim…?”
I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard while feeling overwhelming sadness at the same time 😖
Make your own instance
Imagine being in a corporate environment trying to implement an OSS into your platform and having to tell your 50 yo teammate: “Oh yeah, just pop in this Discord server real quick to see any relevant info”. Instant credibility loss
10 kg gold Dec. 2023 = ~$727,591 = $2062.92 * 10 * 35.27 oz/kilo
10 kg gold June 1920 = ~$105,810 = ~$300 * 10 * 35.27 oz/kilo
seems much higher than the respective housing cost for an average home in both cases
Python is a virus
Turn on visible whitespace in IDE
The major amendment: