It’s always a logic bug that you will find the day after you forgot about how the code works.
It’s always a logic bug that you will find the day after you forgot about how the code works.
I also love this. I don’t why but gc languages feel so incomplete to me. I like to know where the data is that I have. In c/c++ I know if I am passing data or pointer, in rust I know if it’s a reference or the data itself. Idk, allows me to think better
Why did the coffee shop have a “Free coffee and unlimited sitting time” sign in front of it?
If you by any chance do something that goes against physics, it just means that there is more physics you didn’t know about.
Man the last one really hits home. I would transfer all of my github projects for a stable livable job
When I learnt programming (back in early 2000s) the textbook said C is a high level 3rd generation language with 4th gen languages being something higher (I don’t remember what examples were given specifically). This is back when the java applets and action script for flash were the hot things. How I miss the days without the world being cursed by JS.
Yeah… I love them. Makes my != look like ≠
Thank you all for the valuable insight. I can’t reply to everybody individually so I am replying as a collective. From what I can surmise, basically, the state becomes the sort of mega Corp that capitalism inevitably breeds and data mining becomes legal as you are the law and data mining is necessary to hold power and prevent further revolutions.
It makes me wonder, how do new economic models come to be? Does it always have to be Einsteinian, that one man is a genius, or can economics do collective progress like modern science. Obviously economics has more artificial hurdles to overcome, but we should have something better by now when we know that both systems suck. I don’t know, I am just a random guy on the internet
BTW, correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that the root cause of these problems is one human having enough power to decide life and death of another human. Like maybe due to our origin by subjugation of other species, but people holding power over other people is creating a huge crap fest. Plus there is the worst inequality of all… Inequality of BIRTH.
Honestly,i dont know, most dystopias come about because of some persons dream of utopia.
I am not so knowledgeable so forgive my ignorance, but why do most communist States have this knack for massive intelligence gathering on its own citizens? Are the concepts of personal privacy with freedom and working towards collective good so mutually exclusive?
Again this is not sarcastic, I genuinely wish to know.
PS I also hate capitalism from the core of my guts.
Man thanks for sharing the fizz buzz link.
Hey mods… Ever heard of free speech? People can have opinions… Let people decide by upvotes and down votes. Why the unnecessary censoring?
You can only touch in places where you have permission to touch.
Cool username
And the problem is that since these dickwads want to close source their neural networks, we wasting billions of watts training on similar data sets repeatedly generating models with minor differences over and over again. If there was a truly awesome open source model, then we could train on top of it and create more complex and complex models targeted at the good of humankind. But no, stakeholders must get profits. When will they understand that the entire humanity is a stakeholder in this planet.
I use master because when I do ‘git init .’ I get a master branch and I am lazy enough to not rename it. As for typing it later on… . Well zsh does that for me
Is pipewire with pulse audio properly configured? Check pavucontrol and tell me if you need any more help
Don’t they know this is a bad idea? That’s how beached babies are made. Kojima was right all along.