If it weren’t for reader mode, a lot of news sites would be unusable.
If it weren’t for reader mode, a lot of news sites would be unusable.
And lets give the dot menu a slight delay so it looks neat.
The version on my S5 is a quarter the size of the version on my XCover. Both give the same directions. The app ballooned to 4x the size for ads and features I have literally never used on the phone like street view and “explore”.
The version on my near decade old phone is also snappier and uses less data because it isn’t background loading a bunch of ads for me to tune out.
The logic is that they don’t count ignition costs because they only have to be paid once. So it’s producing more than it consumes, and would eventually start netting a surplus.
No shit. I’m saying the tools I had to make myself should come standard instead of wasting dev time on command line bullshit.
Making a little program that opens a window with some buttons to pin to my taskbar is infinitely easier than digging out docs and copy pasting into a command line every time I need to do anything. Paste the command once, done. It’s like 10 lines of code, plus about 3-4 for each command I add. Maybe drag the window a bit bigger when I add the button.
I’m anti everything that requires daily use of arcane command line bullshit. I thought we were on the way to being over that when Windows 3.1 came out.
If it needs to be done more than once, make it a button on a little program. I’ve rolled my own for any of them that can be triggered from the windows command line. But Docker and others that require their own unique command line I can’t do that. I wouldn’t be as annoyed by Docker if Docker Desktop just did all the crap it should instead of requiring command line bullshit every damn day.
I really want to make a “closed as duplicate” joke about yet another billionaire being stupid and tanking their site.
The content in question is unfortunately something that has become very common in recent months: CSAM (child sexual abuse material), generally AI-generated.
AI is now apparently generating entire children, abusing them, and uploading video of it.
Or, they are counting “CSAM-like” images as CSAM.
If they try that again, can we just let them go? We can add Puerto Rico to keep the even 50.
I worked at a train yard taking train cars full of potatoes and loading them on semi trucks to go across the bridge to Canada. One car had sat in the sun with no refrigeration for a week before it got to us. When we cracked that thing open, the smell was atrocious. It was like we could feel it as it expanded out, it was so potent.
Back in my day, MS-DOS let you use
on QBASIC commands.