What a cluster. How daft is the board to do something like this. I mean fire the guy if he deserves it but this is absurd
What a cluster. How daft is the board to do something like this. I mean fire the guy if he deserves it but this is absurd
Hot take. Any day before December 1st is too early.
haha. Part of the reason I like Linus is he does impractical expensive things but still votes for competition and knows what the average Joe/Jane budget is. The alternative video of the cheapest laptop is a good show that he can see both sides.
I think the argument boils down to: Can a person who writes down their passwords in excel and calls chrome “the internet” use it. The answer is not yet. It’s better than it used to be but they is still a lot of work to be done. Typing commands in terminal is an actual non starter for my parents. In fact I would argue I don’t want them to be typing any sudo commands in terminal they got from the internet.
Also using plugins like camelcamelcamel can help with this. Shows you a graph of history for prices