Clearly making a fun joke about my cookware ineptitude. Also I didn’t say I didn’t care, I said I didn’t know.
Any pronouns. 33.
Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.
Clearly making a fun joke about my cookware ineptitude. Also I didn’t say I didn’t care, I said I didn’t know.
You baby your cookware and debate the differences of each type.
I don’t even know what type of cookware I have.
We are not the same.
Twisted pairs go brrrrrr
My house was built around the same time and had the same feature. I guess VOIP stuff was beginning to take off and people still had land lines. I can’t imagine much new construction has anything for phones.
30 years is very different than 8000 lol.
I remember reading a primary source about someone’s experience fixing Y2K stuff. I wish I could find it or remember more. The funniest part was that they actually got everything to work, but on January 1st when they tried to get into work their badge didn’t work! The system on their badge reader was broken due to Y2K lol.
I get your point, but in the same way that people “shouldn’t” have been using two digits for year storage, there are certainly many parsers of ISO 8601 that don’t match the spec. In 8,000 years I don’t think this will be a problem though lol. I don’t think we can really perceive what technology might be like that far in the future. But, hypothetically, is year 10,000 was in a few days and this was year 9,999 I would suspect we’d see at least some problems come January.
As an example, YAML 1.2 changed Boolean representation to only be case insensitive in 2009, but in 2022 people still complain about the 1.1 version. (Caveat: I don’t know if this person actually ran into a “real” problem or only a hypothetical one.)
At no point is that a theory about a “conspiracy” either, IDK why you’re bandying that term around.
Conspiracy is probably the wrong term. What I mean is that some (keyword: some) predictions were quite extreme and apocalyptic. See the fringe group response section for examples of what I was trying to convey.
The New York Times reported in late 1999, “The Rev. Jerry Falwell suggested that Y2K would be the confirmation of Christian prophecy – God’s instrument to shake this nation, to humble this nation. The Y2K crisis might incite a worldwide revival that would lead to the rapture of the church. Along with many survivalists, Mr. Falwell advised stocking up on food and guns”.
That’s what I meant by the sort of “conspiratorial” response. Maybe I should reword my post to make it more clear?
I don’t think it will be a problem because it’s 8,000 years away lol, but people do store time in ISO 8601 strings.
Fucking forgot to use a time dilation safe type for storing my time variables
Probably some mainframe or something lol. Always a mainframe.
I’ve seen plenty of people use ISO 8601 for storage as well as display.
Actual programmers wondering how you’ve never seen anyone use ISO 8601 strings as storage.
The comment you’re replying to is really frustrating to me. It annoys me when people are so arrogant but also wrong. Do they live in a perfect world where nobody stores dates as ISO 8601 strings? I’ve seen that tons of times. Sometimes, it may even be considered the appropriate format when using stuff like JSON based formats.
You need to qualify your statement about Y2K being fear mongering. People saying all technology would stop (think planes crashing out of the sky) were clearly fear mongering or conspiracy theorists. People saying certain financial systems needed to be updated so loans didn’t suddenly go from the year 1,999 to 19,100 or back to 1900 were not fear mongering. It’s only because of a significant amount of work done by IT folks that we have the luxury of looking back and saying it was fear mongering.
Look at this Wikipedia page for documented errors. One in particular was at a nuclear power plant. They were testing their fix but accidentally applied the new date to the actual equipment. It caused the system to crash. It took seven hours to get back up and they had to use obsolete equipment to monitor conditions until then. Presumably if the patch wasn’t applied this would happen at midnight on January 1st 2000 too.
Y2K was a real problem that needed real fixes. It just wasn’t an apocalyptic scenario.
Hhhhyeah fork me
Maybe they meant the device?
And no, the 6.134258 shares of Apple in your 401K don’t make you an owner, lol.
Thank you for saying this. It’s very frustrating when people act like having retirement savings makes you like billionaires.
Every time I’ve seen people use this the thing that happens at the end should’ve been the entire video and/or wasn’t even funny/worth watching.