Yeah, making election day a national holiday doesn’t help those of us who don’t get most holidays off.
Yeah, making election day a national holiday doesn’t help those of us who don’t get most holidays off.
My downvote wasn’t in anger. It’s more about the fact that this isn’t a news article which makes it questionably breaking the rules of this /c/. Combined with the headline being serious editorializing via broad generalization of what the statement is. Not saying it’s not true, just that it’s a unnecessarily sensational.
Yeah, 50% person actually restarted, 30% chance person is lying, 20% chance person just turned the monitor off and back on.
It also has built in ads
I don’t have a story in particular, but any time there’s any critique directed towards my boss he will make up some excuse for his actions. It seems like he takes any critique as a personal attack and obviously the critic in question is the problem while refusing to address the substance of said critique. Makes it impossible for any improvement to occur and is very exhausting.
iF iT waSn’t fOr caPitAliSm yOu wOulDn’t haVe tHe luXuRy oF a mIcrOwAve
As a kid, it was where you got all the coolest remote controlled cars and helicopters (pre drones). As an electronics tinkerer, they had drawers full of components and other parts for all electronic needs.
As someone who tinkers with electronics, hard agree
I’m having fun there, though there are a good amount of spammers there already.
I really wish I knew a Brooklyn because I really want to use Ookly
Do you have a story to accompany the photo?
It’s infuriating that we have so much trash that needs throwing away. Most of those cans were probably empty in the morning.