The more times they require a sign in, the more places they can track you across anonymous/ private tabs.
The more times they require a sign in, the more places they can track you across anonymous/ private tabs.
Damnit! I’ve been using it wrong the whole time!
Where’s the crowd? Are they all on strike?
Thanks! Saving…
After death, wealth. Sometimes.
For some reason I stared at the image for 30 seconds then looked at a blank wall.
I like any group/ company willing to go through the lengthy teething period to develop advanced tech/ programs etc. Well done.
Oh, and I can’t pay you up front, but you may use me as a reference for any future opportunities you may have.
Anyone who’s not an influencer who bought it solely for the likes, fully intending to return it, care to chime in about the thing?
Yeah. I suppose this is also bidens fault. /s
Oh this’ll go down well with certain demographics… /s
He should get into Malaysian politics.
What an Arso!
Did… Did the bubble finally burst? I can has home now?
So by that logic, I guess you’re much better at pissing your bed in your sleep than anyone older than you, then.
*until the next food crisis
Lol @people eating with the same hands they clean their assholes with.
Well, if they don’t go out and vote, it won’t matter what they think.
It’s not what he represents. It’s not the same person. You want what the other guy represents. Unless you’re talking about the hoodie and backpack combo, in which case I have no idea what that represents.