Yeah, first degree requires a deep look into the motives, which is really good for him.
Here’s some legal analysis by legal eagle
Unless you have a huge kitchen/open floor plan and the cook is okay with it. A lot of houses are designed with the kitchen as a conversing area too, it really depends.
I’ve found Mexican places are just about the cheapest sit down restaurants, but I’m sure it varies some by location.
Definitely, but the big industrialized stuff that was a focus originally is much more automated now. It’s much less glamorous to seize a t shirt or rubber band making plant than a car or tractor factory.
Seizing the means of production seemed more reasonable when there were actually people producing things. Nowadays seems like it’d be more of the call for a robot uprising.
Watch what governments do, not what they say. If they were concerned about NATO, (especially their air forces) they wouldn’t be throwing away their stockpile of anti-air missiles to hit ground targets.
Watch what governments do, not what they say. If they were concerned about NATO, (especially their air forces) they wouldn’t be throwing away their stockpile of anti-air missiles to hit ground targets.
It’s not, it’s likely ego and want of power. You think that’s madness?
I can’t figure out exactly why Russia invaded Ukraine, but I don’t think it’s capitalism. The oligarchs certainly didn’t appreciate it very much now. My guess is it was for some misguided desire for legacy?
Who do you think this is applying to? I’ve seen a ton of people against both. The US government supports Israel because they’re a friendly power in the region. But that doesn’t make it right, or that most people would agree with the decision.
Also, there’s a difference of scales. Russia tried to push to Kiev to install a government, Israel looks like it’s more of a land grab. Again, neither are just, but they’re not the same.
You can buy an airline with that sort of money, not just a few fights.
What does Taylor spend money on? Since she’s still a billionaire I’m guessing she doesn’t give it all to charity.
Does your business care about information security? There might be an argument there.
Agree, and just viewing PDFs has much less clutter around the outside than Adobe.
We need ranked choice voting so people can vote for who they actually want without throwing away they vote. The problem is opposing ranked choice voting is one of very few issues both parties agree on, since it hurts both of them.
My phone still keeps apps open after a restart, idk how. Maybe it catches them somehow?
Yeah, my parents actually close all their apps regularly, whereas I have dozens of apps not doing anything in the background since it doesn’t really make a difference.
The former might not be true either. China has 1.7M listed, but if you include 1M to 3M in forced vocational education and training centers, the count would be higher than the 1.8M in the US. The rate would still be lower though.
For me they quoted next day, but it took 5 since they had already shipped the one in the close delivery center by the time they had processed my order.