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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • And those protests were like the American protests didn’t get anything done. It wasn’t until 7 years later when they simply asked nicely. If anything, you’re proving violence doesn’t work and the best option is to literally simply ask nicely.

    Thus, my point about the violent protest being unrelated. It did NOT cause the regime change. I’m not talking about what it’s about, I’m talking about what actually switches the government.

    I never said nations don’t have problem. My list of violent massacres in USA proves that. I’m saying violent protests does not lead to regime change as often as a peaceful transition. Your Korean argument proves that as the violent protest did nothing, vs the peaceful one.

    *Edit: To be clear, if we study history we find peaceful regime change far more likely than violent ones. BUT people like YOU keep creating violent situations that do not help the situation. If people like YOU stop being violent, maybe we could work towards actually beneficial transitions.

  • So I don’t know how the Russian/Ukrainian war is going to go. I mean Trump is such a wild card it’s hard to say. But I want to point out that your comment:

    that tyranny doesn’t go away by asking nicely. Never has, never will.

    Is very wrong. The weirdest thing is you state if you’re paying attention. Well, if you’re paying any attention what so ever, you’ll see that tyranny regularly gets displaced by asking nicely. In fact, in recent history we have South Korea with a peaceful democratic transfer, Taiwan which also had a peaceful democratic transfer, Singapore and many others. And that’s just recent history. Let alone all the Kingdoms that were displaced by democracy in history such as the UK. Heck, the UK still has a monarch and yet run in a democracy because of how peaceful the transfer was. Thailand as well. I could go on, but I think you get the point. In fact one of the MOST COMMON ways to go from Monarchy/Dictatorship to democracy is a peaceful transfer. Obviously that doesn’t always happen, but it’s quite common to simply ask nicely.

    *Edit: Actually Ukraine ITSELF was a peaceful transfer from tyranny to democracy. That’s the REASON Putin is angry and jealous of them. I mean you don’t even have to look outside of the combatants to see a peaceful transfer. Which is gone now, but that doesn’t take away that it happened.

  • This is absolute proof that the US knows China won’t invade. If the US thought there was even a slight chance that the invasion would happen, they would have not sent garbage. Especially since they keep calling Taiwan the unsinkable carrier and how important Taiwan is to protect the first island chain. So the only 2 possibilities are that:

    1. It’s not actually important to the first island chain (which we know it is, that’s why China even cares about it at all).

    2. US has no concern what so ever of China invading.

    So now we know it’s absolutely the US trying to start a conflict with China to invade Taiwan. They want this kind of news to leak out so China would be emboldened to attack.

    *Edit: And if anyone says it’s about semiconductors, you don’t understand how semiconductor manufacturing works. Any violent conflict would pretty much result in a total destruction of the semiconductor factory.