All roads lead to Rome.
All roads lead to Rome.
Insomnia by early morning awakenings. It can be caused by many things, including depression (but not only depression).
Even Hexbear has interesting content sometimes. Also, they have great stickers.
I don’t get this animosity between instances. That’s why I’m on it feels like the capibara instance.
I don’t remember the scene, but the caption and something about it makes it feel like decisiveness, maybe frustration finally made into a plan.
And we know what one specific viewpoint we’re talking about.
Dang it! I’m always out of the loop.
The suicide rates have become one of the most popular arguments, which is a shame because it is incomplete. More men complete the suicidal act, but more women attempt it (apparently, they just own less guns, less substances in the garage, etc.). In other words—because I explain like sh*t in English: women are more suicidal, but less lethal in their attempts.
Both sexes, and intersex people, suffer a lot. The various genders suffer a lot.
I know influencers that talk about this problem without being Andrew Tate, but when I recommend them, I get downvoted as if they were worth nothing. I disagree. Of course, it is not a solution because life is always hard and confusing, but to listen to leftist men who understand feminism and other current social movements, and speak of the role of masculinity today considering those is very refreshing and it definitely helps and it is a step forward.
In a nutshell, they talk about caring about mental health. Many of them already are through their own journeys via psychotherapy or other means of introspection and emotional awareness. They talk about feelings and beliefs within the people that were told that they need to be a cartoon, an action figure, because vulnerability is for the lesser sex and a real man™ despises those things. They talk about healing, understanding, cooperation, etc. I don’t know if you’re a leftist, but that’s behind other concepts such as anarchy or social welfare. It is nice to see the line of thought from healing the personal to healing the communal, and viceversa.
So… yeah, ostracism is not the solution. It’s funny because I’ve suffered from agoraphobia and things like that in other moments of my life, and I understand the dysphoric feeling brought by just thinking about society. I have rejected society time and time again, but we are social creatures and we need each other.
I need you because writing this comment is something that I feel I have to do. You’re giving me some minutes of purpose and even hope that I can make you feel less alone in this world. We both need the person that is making Lemmy possible, and our instances, and many other people on that chain. We like having friends and romantic relationships and random interactions on social media. We like going to events and activities in our towns or cities.
As I see it, If society is not ‘rejectable’ without hurting ourselves and others, the next thing to do would be to interact healthily with our fellow human beings. It is an available journey, there are people willing to help in each step, but you need to trust and trust is hard as f*ck.
I’ve heard the argument based not on structural power but average physical capabilities and biological structures. [I’m going to use the terms meaning sex and not gender]. The man is most likely the person that can gain control during the act, and he doesn’t risk being in pain as much as the woman. Therefore, the man holds more power and is more of a threat on average.
This is also technically true, and I don’t think it is about consent but freedom. [I’ll keep using the words for sex and not gender]. Sexuality becomes another form in which women can become subjugated, so it’s a matter of precaution, I guess (especially since men are being socialized to be entitled or even violent, which is the other part of the picture).
I’ve also heard the extreme version of this argument saying that penetration is what I just described, always, without exception.
In both cases and in yours and in others, I don’t think the meme is correct because the reasons are very different from puritanism.
Technically, Mexico has had only two presidents from a right-wing party. Before, they were from the centrist party. The current president is a very well known leftist.
The country was bombarded with religion for centuries, so maybe you are thinking of that, but even so, the majority support a version of religion that mixes a “social concern for the poor and political liberation for oppressed peoples” with spirituality. It is similar to the recent declarations of Pope Francis about Marxists and Christians having a common goal It is called liberation theology.
Also, Mexico tried to legalize drugs back in 1940. It was promoted by a psychiatrist that informed the government that substance abuse was a mental disorder, which was very progressive for the era. Here is the story.
Of course, if you dig deeper, you’ll know the United States basically coerced Mexico into criminalizing drugs again.
Around half the population still supports drug legalization, even after years of propaganda. The commenter below was shocked about abortion legalization. Abortion is legal in many places. Same-sex marriage is also legal, even in some more right-leaning states. A couple years ago, a transgender clinic with free care was opened in Mexico City. Similarly, free healthcare and many other welfare initiatives such as free education (including universities) are common and not negotiable for the average Mexican.
So, yeah, I guess you’ll find homophobic old people, religious nuts, or lately, U.S.-influenced right-wing supporters, but Mexico is overall progressive as I see it. Even historically:
Slave abolition was one of the first things Mexico did as an independent country, around 1810-1817. The first black president in 1829. Safe place for U.S. slaves to escape and live as free people during the 19th century. First native (indigenous) president in 1858. The Constitution has been protecting native populations’ rights since 1917. During the 20th century, there were big movements in favor of socialism (e.g., agrarian socialists called zapatistas, or students’ movements in the National Autonomous University of Mexico). The list goes on… The first woman president is probably happening this year.
I hope this puts things into perspective, and sorry for infodumping!
Lemmy is full of them. I might prefer Reddit…
I use TikTok (I know…). There, when there’s rivalry, it is frequently ‘gen Z’ the one bullying ‘millennials’. They criticize the way they use technology, their fashion sense, their attitudes, their musical tastes, etc. Studies are noticing that ‘gen Z’ tend more to the right-wing, so I guess there’s a part of them also criticizing previous generations for being too leftists or whatever.
I use the quotation marks because this whole generational thing seems to me arbitrary and U.S.-centric. I’m in the years that are considered the transition between these two generations and I share characteristics with both. It’s silly how serious we’ve taken this thing.
Some areas or fields have a difficult time reaching men, including young men, and it’s not because they are not wanted. Let’s take psychiatry, for example. Many people already believe psychiatry is nonsense; add to this the common idea that psychiatric treatment is for cowards—and that cowardice is mostly for women (because women can be many bad things, but men can’t)—, and that’s a recipe for men scoffing at the idea of visiting a psychiatrist (and a psychotherapist, by extension).
I’ve also heard people complaining about a lack of role models, but there are excellent role models. I hope I am not wrong about them, but I admire Stephen Fry, John Oliver, Keanu Reeves, Bill Nye… I also like many small influencers. Some of them talk about being a man with great insight, such as @watchfulcoyote on TikTok.
I cannot say with certainty how free these radicalized young men were to choose a better path than the one they are on, and it probably varies from case to case, but I know there were and are normal and decent people watching out for them.
I hate this joke and I’m going to address it seriously.
The majority of us sleep and wake at similar hours. If someone feels like sleeping only at 2:00 or 3:00 a.m., they are probably not a night person, there might be something wrong (e.g., too much caffeine, major depression). People who naturally feel the need to sleep extremely early or extremely late are rare.
Now, same bell curve logic, most people have a not-too-early and not-to-late natural clock. ‘Early birds’ and ‘night owls’ are also not the norm. The so-called morning people who naturally wake up at 7:00 a.m. or earlier and sleep early too are not only in the minority but also impacted by all the night lights, night life, “important ceremonies are at night”, etc. As students, many cannot go to sleep early because of homework, practices or activities in the dormitories. We are all affected by unrealistic schedules, especially people in demanding fields (e.g. medical field). This is why we have normalized taking stimulants.
Lastly, I need to say it, a lot of gamers think they are night people because they like to stay awake playing videogames. That’s not how circadian clocks work. I understand the quiet and freedom of nighttime, but that’s not necessarily our biological preference. When we are adults, we ought to find what our bodies need and provide it because our health (and future quality of life) depends on it. I’m giving this advice because it’s advice I would’ve liked to hear when I was younger.
Back to the meme, blaming the morning people is, again (we do it in many debates), shifting the blame from capitalism and a culture of “we need to do all the things, at all hours, cities that don’t sleep” to a group of people that’s not the 1%.