I’d rather include a bell character ‘\a’
I’d rather include a bell character ‘\a’
Also, for obvious reasons, cum will be recolored into red to make it not look too graphic
Worst glory hole installation
Tbh, at first sight I was like “wtf they’re talking about? Is this a regexp or some kind of string formatting? In which language?”
Ahaha I hate you. Have a great day !
Assuming it’s C/C++, the for and the while loops are not equivalent: the scope of the variable i is not the same.
It’s much worse to learn development while being lazy about commenting. Or adding them all just before sending your source code to the teacher.
The trick is that non-monogamous relationships are not a collection of monogamous relationships where everyone has to fulfill each other’s needs and desires.
For God sake, be consistent. It’s either int*, int**, void*
or int *, int **, void *
Seriously, you should also buy lube.