It’s just darpa controlling the weather bruh
It’s just darpa controlling the weather bruh
I’m Canadian, im just waiting to get fucking invaded for no reason.
Mmmm Cora
At one point my main computer was a Thinkpad, I got so good at using this that I played total annihilation and mech warrior 5 solely with the nub.
Homie you are missing the point, no one is saying people didn’t have problems, what they are saying is in Relative AND absolute terms to now, things are both more expensive and people earn less.
We can look at statistics to prove this. Anecdotal evidence exists, but it doesn’t prove anything.
Relatively, it fucking was a breeze in terms of cost of living. Of course there were social, technological and other issues, no one disputes that.
You need to do some math here because I think you’re trying to put out a “gotcha” moment but the math stills sucks. Last I checked minimum wage is what, $7.50 or something in the US? So even at. $3.10 an hour minimum wage, that $25,000 house would have been a fucking steal, even at 13% interest rate, hell make it 20% if you want. Cars were cheaper then too.
So wait, let me get this straight, people shouldn’t install Linux to avoid windows because they might make edge somehow critical to the use of major websites? Why not just use Linux anyways since that’s not happening anytime soon (especially not with the market share Chrome and Firefox have)
This is possibly the most American post ever lol
Nope, but they DO have silence and the ability to vanish.
I’m making fun of you if that wasn’t clear. No, the next generation are not weak, incapable or any other sort of negative generalization that you might think they are. They are people as diverse any other generation and the whole point of this post is to espouse that generational stereotypes only serve to hurt us and divide us from accomplishing better things for humanity.
American soldiers definitely lose. Civilians definitely lose. Americans and their military industrial complex have definitely been treating the middle East as a training ground for 2+ decades.
Do you actually think America wouldn’t go absolutely ape trying to find who nuked them? Do you not remember 911 when the whole country collectively lost it’s mind?
Hey Google what’s the definition of nihilism?
Homie, I’m Canadian, it’s beyond the constitution of the US. We don’t have unlimited free speech because it fucking leads to genocide and violence. I will fight to the grave to ensure that tolerance only extends to the tolerant. This is what generations fought a nearly world ending world war over. It’s worth fighting over, you don’t have to agree with me.
Punished by a government. That’s where free speech begins and ends.
No that’s excercising freedom expression. You are free from persecution from the government, not ostracization socially. Nazis should be punched, not protected. There’s no such thing as free speech for Nazis. Same thing in this case, you say bullshit, people are “free” to react how they will to it.
Lol dude Russia can’t even properly invade a country directly connected by land and with 1/3 the population. Lmao GTFO.