That third picture is either warped or the structural soundness of the building is questionable.
That third picture is either warped or the structural soundness of the building is questionable.
That’s really awesome
You don’t need mods, it’s a DLC, not a mod.
Same could be said about 90% of things humans do.
While I agree, we don’t do enough, can you say your job directly impacts the environment for the positive? If not, then you, like me, like them, are part of the problem.
Plasma gasification can self sustain and generate power
It’s so fucking weird
I guess, but I dunno, that still seems dubious to me.
I never understood why people would want polluted air and water, blows my mind.
Cool, with the phone on silent (which I don’t do) I’d have missed that too, and would have been cancelled and rescheduled.
This adamant denial that phone calls are useful is weird.
Tell that to the delivery driver that called me because they were outside with my groceries.
Only if it’s right by you or isn’t in your bag or something. Hence audible alerts, they break through the physical barriers.
I don’t really get the whole not answering the phone thing. I hate phonecalls but I always answer my phone.
The amount of important calls I’d have missed if I buried my head in the sand like that is insane.
Sure if 90% of the calls were sales or scams I’d think differently, but there are ways to prevent that too.
I find it weird that everyone has their phone on silent all the time too. If mine was on silent I’d never look at it unless I’m bored.
Maybe it’s time to design a super slim case for mine that has a keyboard, only I worry it’ll be top heavy
I think I’m okay with that tbh. I miss my Blackberry Torch. Full touch screen on the front and a slide out keyboard
God I miss real keyboards like this.
I use GPT and CoPilot at work and they’ve definitely made my life easier and me more productive. I guess that it depends on what management expects of the employees. It’s not a magic bullet.
Also freelancers are saving the day? Whelp, looks like full time jobs are on the chopping block then. And I wish that this was restricted to the American corporate hellscape but unfortunately their bullshit is like a bad infection that spreads across the world.
Same here. I’ll pirate the security updates for the next 3 years and then switch. Fuck Windows 11 and fuck Microsoft.
Probably just designed to fail maybe?
Uh, not really what planned obsolescence is.
Though I do wonder how much more durable they would be if corning made it 1 mm instead of 0.4 mm thick.
Manufacturers can also improve durability by recessing the screen slightly into a plastic frame, that way when the phone drops on its corner or side on a hard object, it will reduce the likelihood of it cracking.
Graphene is being used in certain high sensitivity/quality sensor chips.