• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • It’s actually easy to tell whether you’ll have a reaction by going to the store or humane society and asking to hold them for 5 to 10 minutes.

    Well I’ve been around cats all my life, pretty much since very early childhood and I’ve never had any reaction really. I’ve not been allergic to anything in my life period.

    A few months before I adopted the cat, I was at my gf’s friend’s house and she had a cat there that I held and played with and petted.

    Just before I adopted the cat I did end up adopting I went to see and converse with the folks I was adopting from and I def was around the cat for over half an hour.

    While I had the cat she’d lick me all the time, never any issues. The effects would start maybe a day or two after we got her. It didn’t even fully stop until at least a day later.

    So in my case I guess not. Thanks for the advice though. I was thinking of looking into adopting a Siamese cat at some point. Ofc I’d try to do a lot more due diligence allergy wise, but I really don’t know what I could’ve even done realistically. I don’t think I could stand having to give a pet back because of any health issues on my behalf again. Thanks

  • I likely think there was something she would emit, some sort of fur particulate or something else because she loved sitting on my lap and just being right in my face and I was fine. Only literally being in the house with her would mess me up, and after like half an hour outside I’d be okay again.

    This lack of direct correlation made me think I was just sick for the longest time until I connected the dots that time outside made me feel immediately better.

    She was an odd cat. Fur was unreal silky, extremely impressive even for a cat, and also quite long, and the previous owner said how they’ve never really had to trim it or do anything to her coat at all because she maintained it herself really well. I’ve a gut feeling it’s connected to that.

  • Had a cat that I was somehow allergic(?) to. Just constant itchy red eyes. Eventually coughing and wheezing. Never been allergic to a damn thing in my life, including other cats. Never understood it. Shed go all around my face and I would be fine, then suddenly she’d just be about the place and my eyes would get so bloody I swear blood was actually leaking out of them. Had to return her. Loved her to bits in those few weeks. 😭

  • You can’t. You either go into work and learn to solve complex problems or pivot to something else. For me it was the latter, I’m IT brainlet now, but every time I come back to brushing up on programming there’s like no middle ground with projects, I don’t have the time or really energy to commit to building a 3D video game engine in C or an OS, and learning pointer arithmetic for multiple iterators all just to make a palindrome checker CLI feels lame and building a clone of Spotify but in some new webdev thing of the week to some tutorial is hard to be excited about.

  • Yeah I was also an elite™️ 14-year old, all the normal girls were into LMFAO and LOL and their Flo-Ridas and BBM (what is that? Big boob messenger? Stupid thots. I was so much smarter than them. Humph! Looks are for the shallow!) and I was into far more intellectual things, like karaokeing to ‘Somewhat Damaged’, crying at least once to every single song on Still and speeding up the virgin power walk when the guitars come in on ‘Beside You In Time’.

    But then I turned 16, and I was into cloud rap, and a tad later, doom metal. I came to realize that people had varied, changing tastes that didn’t necessarily give you the right to assume so much about them if they liked something I did not, it’s not as if one cannot be objective about media at all, but moreso that using tastes to attack a person, or to assume personal traits about them, especially a group of people, seldom yields to accurate outcomes.

    It is a lesson I had to learn again when my CompSci colleagues at university didn’t cruise through classes like I did, it wasn’t because they weren’t ‘real’ ‘geeks’ like I was, and it wasn’t because they didn’t use Linux, and once more, and again and again with many different things, undoing the brainwashing of a consumption society to see the wonderful complexity of people.

    I make music now, and I’ve learned to see the wonderous complexity in it too, even in stuff that’s ‘not my cup of tea’.

    I can critique it, but I no longer assume so much about people, and perhaps I am taking all this far too seriously, and that’s fine, but if that applies to you, I hope you can grow up too.

  • ^ Millennial who got bullied when they were 13 for liking Linkin Park and made it their whole personality and their life’s mission to make sure no one thinks they like it again. 🙄🥱

    Unironically grow up. Those people were dicks. They’re well produced songs that are noteworthy for how well they portray teenage angst (a valid part of the human experience like any other) and connect with teenagers worldwide.