Few people will remember him, but if any are spurred into action by his act, then it won’t be a completely wasteful loss of life.
Few people will remember him, but if any are spurred into action by his act, then it won’t be a completely wasteful loss of life.
It does make sense, but priorities are different so it’s less noticeable.
From a military point of view, starving the enemy is a victory in itself. Means fewer numbers to deal with.
And that’s all these people are to them, the enemy.
An IAF soldier reading this article:
“Aww, how sad. I wonder if there’s anything I could do to help? Ooh, I know!”
He then proceeds to scribble “Bread” on one of the munitions he’s loading.
A second soldier notices this and comes near.
“Hey man, that’s not cool. What’s she going to do with just one bread? We need a dozen loaves at least!”
He starts scribbling as well.
Their commander looks on speechless and shakes his head at their antics.
“What a bunch of degenerates.”
He places his own marker aside and goes to reprimand his subordinates. Behind him a missile newly babtized ‘Dildo of Doom’ lies in silence.
Still worthy of pity and serve as a life lesson.
It’s ok. Russian state is going to take them in, train them for a few years at an undisclosed location and then send them back to their original country where they can run for office or something.
To be happy at other people’s misfortune is not ok.
That being said, hah! Dumbasses!
Is this the cuckoo koo cah cah cah bird?
Dumbasses can’t see that Gaza kept them safe.
Yea, but he’s really passionate about it.
I think it’s primogeniture monarchy, so it’s from parent to child. Next in line is Charles’ firstborn.
OOP is when you forget the S by mistake.
Unless you’re south of the equator …
Commie. The poor will just trade the food for drugs, might as well throw it away as trash and shoot anyone that gets near it.
Nah, I think that was for Sweden joining Nato after a side of EU paid Orban off. There was some internal disagreement on that, so this one is probably trying to redress it.
Yes, it’s an intervention.
Stop collecting cats like they’re Pokemon! You can’t afford to keep them! Your debts are piling up and you might even lose the house!
No more cats! Got it?
Wrong. Gotta vote for genocide + dictatorship to throw the blame away afterwards on the fallen dictator.
Wonder how many of the posts here are ai generated. Are we even talking to real people anymore or are we in our own ai generated bubbles engaging in simulated discourse?
Am I real or am I just an ai generated simulacrum?
It’s about pay. If the market is flooded, the hospitals will be free to lower their wages substantially because they’ll have more replacements available or they’ll be working with more people on the same budget.