I think you are onto something. I fall asleep around 8 PM and wake up around 5 am. Not that I want to but I can be sitting in the couch and just fall asleep. It started happening in my late 30s. In my 20s, I would be out drinking till 4 am, go to bed, wake up after 3 hours and feel great. Old man issues are real :)
Could you provide evidence that it did not? Very easy to ask for evidence when a simple Google search would show you all you need to know.
If we remove the authors of the independent results that were in one way or the other funded by Pfizer or other pharmaceutical companies, we are left we the true independent analysis from scientists whose voice was mulled by the mainstream media. The same mainstream media who for some reason had Pfizer advertisements. The negative effects of the vaccine far outweighed the benefits for people who did not have any underlying health conditions. COVID was never an issue for young healthy adults.
Google it and you will find dozens of articles about Pfizers statement in the European parliament and then their denial after the backlash.
Please lookup the latest info where the accepted that the vaccines were not tested and Pfizer lied about the data they presented to get vaccine approval. They are all corrupt peas from the same pod. Republicans or democrats, doesn’t matter. They all are only working to enhance the oligarchy.
“Most far left politicians”? We don’t have any real far left politicians. All we have are lefty wannbes who just care about furthering their careers within the Democratic party. We need a third party and we need it now. A party that holds true leftist values and not what the democrats claim to support. We have had enough lip service by the so called leftists in the Democratic party.
That would be the worst movie marathon ever!!