sleeping forever :)
sleeping forever :)
But on the flip side. If you tell somebody something they don’t know like:
‘You can open links in new tabs by klicking on them with the mouse wheel.’
‘You can reopen closed tabs by pressing Ctrl+Shift+T’
They look at you like you’ve just shown them the meaning of life. Bonus points if you see them using it later.
Those men are just very good friends.
I do that with gas, but everybody knows the .9 cents are implied.
Those human leather hats aren’t gonna make themselves.
The vast majority don’t. The vast majority lives in India and China, which is arguably just as bad.
But also, when he was in his 20-40s there where 2 World Wars back to back. So what’s your excuse?
If a knife isn’t meant to cut my own wrists, why am I holding it a perfect arms length away?
Check mate arteries 😏
Don’t forget the classics:
Pro leagues are shiting diamonds.
“Then aids ruined everything”
Except for all the people who’s skin shade is slightly darker than vanilla.
Most of the people on the list have been successful actors/actress longer than Halle was alive.
Let’s not forget this simple aspect:
Interesting character - Seasoned Actor
Interesting character - Seasoned Actor
Interesting character - Seasoned Actress
Interesting character - Seasoned Actress
Interesting character - Just some Chick
In the end studios want money above anything else. And big names rake in bigger money.
My issue is that we are pairing nationality with skin color or ethnicity here. Those are not mutually exclusive. There are 2nd or 3rd generation Asians immigrants in Mexico, just as there are Mexicans living in Ireland, and Irish people in India, etc… Somebody could be a fully integrated national but not part if the nations major ethnicity. Even saying AFRICAN-American is kind of pointless, like it matters where your grand-grand-grand-grand-parents came from. They’re as much American as anybody else. We don’t call everybody else European-American for comparison.
Pee a little, let it dry, pee a little, let it dry…
I find customer support service Chatbots useful, they tend to ask the right questions before connecting me to an actual human, so I don’t have to explain myself over and over. They also categorize your problem so you won’t be forwarded 3 times till you finally reach the right department. They’re essentially like the “press 1 to…, press 2 to…” shtick during a service call, except the customer support person has access to your chat history.
Vice City for me.
Oh my god, there’s a second Tailor Swift.
Back in the day most media was designed around commercial interruptions. Watch some old cartoons on Netflix, they often have “fade to black” moments after which the last 10 seconds are repeated. Nowadays commercials are algorithmically inserted into content to maximize viewership, meaning that more often then not a YouTube commercial will play right before the most important bit of the video.