That is what I meant. With desktops that are short side down, the motherboard side with the CPU socket, PCIe slots, etc. should be considered as upwards
That is what I meant. With desktops that are short side down, the motherboard side with the CPU socket, PCIe slots, etc. should be considered as upwards
If you put the empty side towards the top of the machine, that works first try 95% of the time. For desktops, the top of the machine is motherboard side up.
I’m not an ichtyologist, but iirc most fish can breath without moving. Some sharks must move to breath, but plenty of them don’t have to, i.e. the wobbegongs
Not all fish can breath underwater interestingly enough, meaning if they can’t reach air they will drown. The first example that comes to mind are lungfish, but there are others, such as arapima. I think bettas also are obligate air breathers, but I might be misremembering.
No worries, I probably could have worded it better anyways